
by - May 01, 2017

| About the blog |

Originally titled, "The Philly Pharm Student" this blog was born in the fourth, and final year of my journey through pharmacy school as an effort to educate on the role, expertise, and life of pharmacists. Pharmacy is one of the most rapidly expanding fields, with more pharmacists than ever stepping into technology, entrepreneurial, and clinical positions. I've been fascinated by the amount of folks whose sole picture of pharmacists is centered around community pharmacists at local big chain stores. While this role for pharmacists is a huge part of our history, and future, we have exponentially changed as a profession. The lack of acknowledgment of this by our patients and the public is largely our own fault: we aren't very good at showing off what we do. Ultimately, I want that to change, and with social media becoming a center point of public education in medicine, I thought this would be the perfect way. 

| About the writer |

I'm currently a PGY1 pharmacy resident at Yale New Haven Hospital in CT, and recently graduated with my PharmD from Jefferson College of Pharmacy in Philadelphia, PA. I grew up in a very medicine friendly household (with a doctor and nurse for parents!) and always knew I wanted to do something in medicine as a career. It wasn't until I worked in an organic chemistry research lab in undergrad that I realized pharmacy was it for me! Reflecting back, I may have even known beforehand because in my P1 year I discovered an essay I wrote when I was 8 years old about the wonders of lidocaine gel after an accident I had requiring stitches (neeerrd). 

I feel passionately about pharmacy student involvement with professional organizations, pharmacy advocacy and pharmacy education efforts. I also feel strongly about intersectional feminism, refugee health, LGBTQA rights, and the implications these all have on public health. It is these interests that keep me motivated and excited about the field of pharmacy and medicine overall. 

Thank you for following along! I'm excited to share my journey with you all.


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