Goodbye P3...Hello P4!

by - May 04, 2017

After 3 long, crazy, and challenging years, I'm thrilled to be wrapping up my didactic pharmacy career and moving on to my P4 rotations: APPEs (Advanced Pharmacy Practice Experience)! My transition into pharmacy school was rough. I spent 3 years working on my pre-requisite classes, at a local college where I ended up meeting some of my very best friends. I sacrificed undergrad graduation to move into pharmacy school sooner rather than later, and ended up with whip-lash trying to adjust to grad school life. Practically over night I went from a homework coaster to a "how late is the library open?" person (24/7 in grad school apparently). I went from a few exams a semester to three exams every week. On top of the academic expectation differences, I struggled with making friends in pharmacy school. We were all frantically trying to keep a float, stresses were high and free time was infrequent.

Fast forward three years later and I can say that I have many friends in my pharmacy program. I'm sad that it will be months before my entire class is together again. We've grown together, loved together, leaned on each other, lifted one another, stressed out on each other, messed up with one another, laughed, cried, and most importantly had a BLAST these past three years. In our P1 year, one of our professors told us that "no one gets through pharmacy school alone" and I've found that to be one of the most solid pieces of wisdom I've received. I got through pharmacy school because of the support my friends and family have so wonderfully gifted me with.
With finals now over and the dust of P3 year finally settling, I'm excited to welcome the unknown (and kind of scary) world of APPEs. I'll be spending my week off relaxing, preparing and if I'm being totally honest, most likely also playing video games. APPEs will prove to be a new challenge but I know I have the support and love of my pharmacy friends who are will be going through the exact same thing in their respective APPEs. For those new to pharmacy lingo, our APPEs consist of 6 blocks at different sites and 1 off block. So in 1 year, I'll be 6 blocks more experienced and hopefully way more prepared to accept my PharmD diploma. I wish the best of luck to my "pharmily" as we embark on the final year of this crazy journey. We're. Almost. There.
(P.S. the pictures are from our "end of P3 year bar crawl". The shirts we got made say "Take a CYP, its APPE hour". CYPs are the enzymes your body uses to metabolism drugs and other substances. #pharmacyhumor!)

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